Posts by Alex Carmichael
Montreat Minute October 29, 2021
Shhhh, It’s a Secret But We Need Your Help Everyone will agree that we have a wonderful Town staff- police, public works, development services, and administration. They work hard for us and we’re fortunate to have them. And, because it is nearing Thanksgiving, the Town Council will be preparing and serving a luncheon feast for…
Please see the updated link information below for today’s Board of Adjustment meeting. Hi there, You are invited to a Zoom webinar.When: Oct 28, 2021 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)Topic: Board of Adjustment Please click the link below to join the webinar: Or One tap mobile :US: +16465588656,,83401764604# or +13017158592,,83401764604#Or Telephone:Dial(for higher quality,…
Read MoreMontreat Minute for October 22, 2021
Don’t Miss Bulk Pickup This Tuesday, October 26 Remember to place your bulk Items/white goods curbside for pick up this Tuesday, October 26. For more information about items for bulk pick up, CLICK HERE. Take advantage of this free service (except mattresses and box springs- $5 each) offered by the Town. Board of Adjustment News…
Read MoreTown Staff Member Contracts Break-Though Infection
A member of the Montreat Town staff has contracted a breakthrough infection of Covid-19. They developed what they thought were allergies on Thursday, October 14th, when there was both a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and a Board of Commissioners meeting. They worked through Monday but felt progressively worse. After work Monday they got tested…
Read MoreMayor’s Summary of the 10/14/21 Town Commission Meeting
Greetings Montreaters, Last night we held our regular Town Commission meeting, preceded by our public forum. If you would like to see the recordings of the meetings, CLICK HERE. I called the Public Forum to order at 6:30, and about 10 community members were present. Theodosia Wade spoke first. She and her husband own property…
Read MoreMontreat Minute for October 8th, 2021
Correction: Trash Collection Will Be On Monday, October 11th. The trash collection calendar contained a mistake. The Town will be open for regular business on Monday, October 11th and will not be closed for Columbus Day. That means trash will be collected on Monday, not Tuesday. Be sure to have your trash out by 8:00…
Read MoreWater Disruption Along Florida Terrace
Emergency line maintenance will result in a temporary water shutoff this afternoon along Florida Terrace. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Read MoreSpecial Use Permit Application for the proposed MRA Lodge – UPDATED 9/16/21
The Town of Montreat has received a number of records requests for the Special Use Permit Application for the proposed MRA lodge project. To better facilitate transparency, we are posting a link to that application on this page. To view the entire application CLICK HERE. (UPDATED 9/9/21) To view the staff report, CLICK HERE. (UPDATED…
Read MoreMontreat College to Host a Free Vaccine Clinic
A COVID Vaccine Clinic will be offered Monday, August 23, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. for all Montreat College students, employees, family members, and the general public. The vaccinations will be available from a mobile vaccine operation that will be located in the Anderson Auditorium parking lot in Montreat, NC, and all three vaccinations — Moderna, Pfizer,…
Read MoreMontreat Minute for August 20, 2021
Town Finishes Fiscal Year Strongly Despite the extreme negative effects upon business due to COVID, the Town completed its fiscal year (July to June) with surprising strength. We had projected a significant decline in revenues due to COVID and budgeted accordingly for revenues and expenses. At year end, combined revenues were actually 1% over budget…
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