Mayor’s Meeting Summary January 9, 2025 Town Council Meeting
Hello Montreators-
We had a small but hearty contingent who braved the cold to join the Council and staff for the first meeting of the new year. My summary follows below, but remember that the official minutes will be in next month’s agenda packet. Of course, you can view tonight’s meeting recording by CLICKING HERE.
Public Forum
- At first, there were no public comments, so I took the opportunity to comment on all the work the Town staff have to do from the hurricane, I asked residents that if the work isn’t done as quickly as expected, to please be patient. The “To Do” lists are long and they will get to it eventually. I also reminded everyone that we are expecting snow this weekend and snow removal will not be the same as pre-Hurricane Helene. With many roads having torn up asphalt, salt cannot be used due to its ineffectiveness on gravel, rock, and soil surfaces. Instead, roads will be sanded, which does not have the same effect as salt. Please be careful.
- George Sawyer commented on my first remark, saying no one should be complaining about the work of the Public Works and administrative staff. They have done a great job.
- Town ManagerSavannah Parrish gave a short update on Town Hall repairs from the hurricane. Painting and trim work reinstallation has been completed. Flooring repairs and clean up is all that’s left. She expects the Town Hall to be reopened in several weeks. She also reiterated the Cold Weather Tips from yesterday’s Special Montreat Minute:
- Don’t leave water hoses attached to outside spigots!
- Make sure vacant houses with water still on also have heat turned on!
- In case of a prolonged power outage with this storm please remember to fill up bathtubs so you will have water to flush the toilets!
Council Meeting
- After I opened the meeting, I cautioned everyone to be careful in the inclement weather. Please stay clear of street clearing vehicles and don’t park vehicles on the street if possible.
- Town Manager Savannah Parrish once again thanked MRA for the use of Convocation Hall while the Town Hall is undergoing repairs.
- At our request, we asked Town Attorney Brandon Freeman to research and report if the state views email correspondence as an open meeting or public record. He determined that it is not considered an open meeting, but it is public record. His guidance, which is how we have been operating, was to keep emails (and other electronic communication like texts) on an “as needed” basis, don’t use them for back-and-forth conversations in short order, and of course not involving a quorum of the Council. I appreciate Brandon’s work.
Public Comments – There were none.
Old Business
- I had the honor of conducting the Oath of Office for Commissioner Grant Dasher who was elected to complete an unexpired term.
New Business
- After the Council held a Public Meeting to hear comments on an Ordinance text amendment to comply with recent State Statute changes, the Council voted to adopt the revisions.
- The Council then held another Public Meeting to hear comments on a zoning Ordinance text amendment to allow the Zoning Administrator to make minor modifications to an approved Special Use Permit if the modifications meet certain conditions. The Council voted to adopt the revisions. This amendment will benefit residents by speeding up and reducing costs of zoning processes.
- The Council approved a resolution and accepted the State Emergency Bridge Loan offer of $300,000 and a $200,000 technical Assistance Grant related to water infrastructure improvements. This will help the Town with cash flow related to hurricane improvements to the water system. The loan rate is 0%, with payment due in 2030.
- The Council joined in discussion with Savannah and Public Works Director Barry Creasman about street paving post Helene damage and prioritizing projects. Barry received a quote for repaving for $430.000+. After discussion, it was decided to have a special meeting to consider paving projects along with other storm related projects when the engineers complete their assignments. For a listing of proposed street paving projects, see page 77 of the meeting packet.
- The Council voted to reappoint with acclamation Matt Ashley as the Town’s representative to the Metropolitan Sewerage District Board. Matt has honorably served Montreat on the Board for many years.
- The Council also approved a 2025 Board Meeting Schedule.
- The Council approved two budget amendments to: 1) transfer funds to the Hurricane Relief Fund, and 2) add funds donated for the Christmas Gate Lighting Fund to the current budget.
- Finally, the Council was grateful and humbled to appoint/reappoint the following 17 individuals to serve on the Town’s Boards, Commissions and Commitees:
o David Neel, Board of Adjustment
o Bill Scheu, Board of Adjustment
o Matt Horne, Board of Adjustment
o Mari Gramling, Board of Adjustment
o Arrington Cox, Board of Adjustment
o Clay Hamilton, Planning & Zoning Commission
o Eleanor James, Planning & Zoning Commission
o Sally Jenkins, Planning & Zoning Commission
o Liz Johnson, Planning & Zoning Commission
o Bill Tucker, Planning & Zoning Commission
o Michael Broussard, Planning & Zoning Commission
o Hugh Alexander, Audit Committee
o Brad Hestir, Tree Board
o Tyler Smith, Tree Board
o George Sawyer, Tree Board
o Ed Kramer, Tree Board
o Mari Gramling, Open Space Conservation Committee
Commissioner Communications:
- Commissioner Blake asked Savannah to report on the selection of a Disaster Management Services Firm. Savannah stated that after interviews with two firms, Withers-Ravenal was selected as our choice. A contract is in process and Savannah met with them today to discuss a plan of approach.
- Commissioner Widmer informed everyone that Savannah singlehandedly researched, found, wrote, and submitted a proposal to the Community Foundation of WNC for Hurricane Helene relief. The result was granting of a $50,000 award to help defray rebuilding expenses.
As a final word, I must say I was incredibly moved, humbled, and thankful for the list of Board, Commission, and Committee names to be approved. This Council and our Town government could not be effective without the tireless work of these and other volunteers doing the work they do. Thank you to all of them, including the other 15+ who are currently serving unexpired terms.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please write me at [email protected] or call me at 828/669-3852.
Stay warm and safe,
Mayor Tim Helms on behalf of the Town Council