Mayor’s Summary of the August 8,2024 Town Council Meeting

On this rainy evening, we had a good turnout for the August Council meeting. We are always grateful for interest and participation in the meetings.
My summary follows below, but the official minutes will be in next month’s agenda packet. Of course, you can view tonight’s meeting recording by CLICKING HERE.
Public Forum
- Tom Frist commented that he is happy with the progress on the Texas Road pedestrian bridge, but wondered what the plans were for the adjacent park to be dedicated to Billy and Ruth Graham. I and several other Commissioners said that the bridge is phase one, which needs to be completed, or at least substantially completed, prior to subsequent phases. We do not have funds budgeted for the park, so funds will have to be budgeted or privately raised to complete the park. We assured Tom that the idea will not be forgotten.
- Eric Nichols inquired what the procedure is if it appears there are violations of stormwater runoff during construction. Town Manager Savannah Parrish told Eric to contact her or Zoning Administrator Kayla DiChristina on any suspected violations. Laws are in place to protect against problems like runoff violations. Eric also took a moment to thank the Town Council “for all you do for us.”
- Mari Gramling had several issues to discuss:
- Bears are known for their damage to trash cans, but now they are damaging her trees by climbing them looking for berries.
- She expressed her frustration at people dumping their dog “poop bags” in her trash can, leaving her to pick them up and consolidate into garbage bags for pickup. There was wide scale agreement by others, including Council members, on this issue.
- She has observed many people speeding through the gate as well as on other roads in Montreat. She suggested reducing the speed limit through the gate.
- She believes the stop sign at the junction of Alabama Terrace and Virginia directed to Alabama Terrace drivers should be removed and placed on Virginia where visibility is impaired. I told her we would look into her sugglicestion.
Council Meeting
- After opening the meeting, I introduced Chief Tim Bradley, interim Police Chief and Montreat Police Officer Olivia Eades. Officer Eades is our newest patrol officer.
- Town Manager Savannah Parrish stated that a new full-time Police Chief has been hired. Chief Jeff Eaton will start in September, bringing more that 30 years of law enforcement experience in a wide variety of duties.
- Administrative Reports
- Commissioners commended Savannah and staff for updating the departmental reports to better describe current operations.
- Commissioner Widmer commended the Town staff for working hard to control expenses last fiscal year, resulting in net income of $226,819.
- There were no Public Comments
- Old Business
- The Council discussed the contract with Civil Design Concepts (CDC) for the Texas Road Bridge project with revisions requested from last month’s meeting. After discussion, Council approved the contract in the amount of $71,000.
- The Council was given a Comprehensive Plan Implementation Tracker report, reviewing progress on key objectives from the plan. We expressed gratitude to Kayla DiCristina for the report.
- Under New Business, the Council:
- Ratified the Streambank Stabilization Resolution for 515 SC Terrace.
- Approved the renewal contract with Carter, P.C. for 2024-2025 audit services in the amount of $26,400,a slight decrease over last year.
- Had an active discussion on a draft ordinance addressing pet waste. Savannah will take the comments and redraft the ordinance for next month’s meeting.
- Approved an Order of Collection, related to tax collection and required by state statute.
- Heard an excellent update report by Jean Norris on Flat Creek Crossing, then approved submission of a grant proposal for the project. Afterward, the entire Council congratulated Landcare representatives for the wonderful work they have done on Flat Creek Crossing. We wish them success in their quest for the grant and other fundraising.
- Under Commissioner Communications:
- Commissioner Blake added to Mari Gramling’s earlier comments about people putting trash in other people’s trash receptacles, saying there is nothing in the sanitation ordinance about it being unlawful. Yet it is quite a problem and needs to be controlled.
He also commended interim Police Chief Tim Bradley for enforcing the bear dog ordinance.
- Commissioner Widmer congratulated Savannah on her one year anniversary as our Town Manager and we all thanked her for her excellent work.
As I always say, we appreciate your support and encouragement in the work we do. We are honored to serve you.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please write me at [email protected] or call me at 828/669-3852.

Mayor Tim Helms on behalf of the Town Council