Addition to the Mayors Most Recent Letter to Montreaters

I want to clarify information stated in my last communication to you.  To ensure any actions taken by the Town Council regarding the Texas Road Bridge are taken in proper sequence, the earlier decision by the Town Council for there to be no vehicular bridge at Texas Road was rescinded.  I will keep you informed…

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Letter from Mayor Helms

The Montreat Town Council and I want to keep you informed about matters pertaining to the Town of Montreat. Since my last letter to you in early July, there is additional information that I want to share with you. I recently appointed a Citizen Town Hall Committee, chaired by Brinkley Melvin, to study details pertaining…

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Mayor’s Message to the People of Montreat

This is the first message from me as Mayor to you, the taxpayers of Montreat.  The Town Council, staff and I value all of you in this wonderful community that we are privileged to be a part of, whether you live here all the time or divide your time in different places. First, let me…

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Expanded Program for Disposal of Trash and Recyclables

The Board has approved the following changes to the Town of Montreat’s Sanitation Services: On May 30th, the Town of Montreat will begin a new, expanded program for disposing of trash and recyclables. Because the trash compactor site located behind the Town Services Building will be closing to the public, the Town will be accepting…

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Montreat Receives Tree City USA Designation

Congratulations to the Town of Montreat for becoming a Tree City USA! In 2015, the Montreat Landcare Committee submitted an application for Tree City, USA status. To achieve this recognition, the town met the following criteria: (1) celebration of Arbor Day; (2) spent at least $2.00 per capita on tree-related efforts, such as plantings and…

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First Release of the “Lari” Beetle

The Town of Montreat is pleased to report that the first successful release of 125 Laricobius nigrinus “Lari” beetles was made on September 25th at the Post Office in Montreat. The beetles arrived by FedEx overnight shipment from Tacoma, Washington and were released by John Johnson and Rusty Frank. A couple thousand beetles are expected…

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Numbers to Know

If you see a suspicious person or vehicle, burning of leaves or brush, a possible water leak or something that needs attention quickly but is not life-threatening, please call the 24-hour non-emergency police and fire dispatch numbers listed below. This service covers both the Town of Black Mountain and Montreat, so don’t hang up thinking you’ve gotten the…

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